It’s my pleasure to offer you a free ebook in exchange for your honest review of its content. When I say honest, that’s exactly what I mean. I want your honest opinion, whether it’s good or bad. Give it to me like it is! Be objective, and let me (and others) know what you liked or what you didn’t like.

Here’s the skinny. To get a free ebook you must agree to write a 200 word (roughly) review of the book once you have finished reading it and post that review either on or If you're a blogger, post your review on your blog as well. Keep in mind that much more than 200 words and you're likely to lose the attention of those who are going to read your review.

To make things easier for you I've provided an outline for a straightforward review.

  • Title: use the title of the book and my name as the title of your post (e.g. The Gift and the Defender by T. Emmett Bramwell)
  • Summary: 3 or 4 sentences describing the book (without giving away major plot points, twists, etc) to someone who has never read it before. 50-100 words.
  • Your opinion/reaction to the book: what you liked or didn’t like about the book. Did I develop the characters well? Was the story inspiring? What about the plot development? Was it entertaining? Would you recommend it to others? 100-150 words.
  • At the end of your post indicate that your review is from a complimentary copy of the book provided by the author.

Please do not include spoilers! This allows others to have an enjoyable reading experience.

Once you have posted your review on or send me an email (TEB’s email) with a link to where your post can be found. If you are also posting a review on a blog include a direct link to where that post can be found so that I can link back to it.

That’s it! Request your free book below, and happy reading.

Your friendly neighborhood indie author!